Re-start A Heart – Free Training Course

Even basic first aid skills could help you save a person’s life. If you have not recently been trained in first aid why not come to the Lydford community ‘Re-start a Heart’ training evening on Monday 28 October 2024 at 6pm at the Cross Keys Inn. With five new community defibrillators having been installed inContinue reading “Re-start A Heart – Free Training Course”

Update from Defibrillator Working Group

Thanks to some generous funding the Working Group has obtained five new public access defibrillators for the Lydford on Fosse parish with minimal outlay by the Parish Council. A limited-duration Department of Health and Social Care match-funded grant scheme was identified that allowed us to acquire Defibrillators together with their storage cabinets for just £750Continue reading “Update from Defibrillator Working Group”

Show your love for Somerset this Valentine’s Day

Show your love for the environment and for your Valentine this 14 February. Swapping single use, for home-made can save you money and help keep Somerset green and more sustainable. Somerset Council are promoting simple ways to reduce waste and save money this Valentine’s Day to avoid the reliance on single-use presents or excess packaging.Continue reading “Show your love for Somerset this Valentine’s Day”

Fire Safety Advice: Power Cuts

People may be affected by power cuts during Storm Ciarán. We are keen to reach as many people as possible with our fire safety advice. If you’re in touch with anyone in your area who is experiencing power issues, please share our advice below. You can also find information on our social media channels – Facebook,Continue reading “Fire Safety Advice: Power Cuts”