Lydford Sports Club
Lydford is fortunate in possessing an active Sports Club complete with sports field off West Lydford High Street near its southerly junction with the A37. The Club is self-supporting and run by publicly elected members of the community for the benefit of the village, organising sport and social events. There is a Cricket section with First, Second and Junior teams, and a Skittles team. There is a modern Play Area for children (HSE approved) on the sports field.
The Sports Club welcomes new members and is always appreciative of offers of help with the running of the Club. The village holds an Annual Gala in July on the sports field to raise funds for the Club to cover running costs throughout the year for sports gear, insurance, rent, rates and maintenance of the pavilion and ground. Grass mowing is paid for by the parish council.
Contacts: Linda Foote, 01963 240336; Nigel Lee, 01963 240270
Scrapbags Quilting & Patchwork Group
Whether you’re an expert or a compete novice there is a place for you!
We are a small, friendly group who all work at our own place, enjoy the company and are as happy to teach as we are to learn.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 14:00-16:00
Contact: Anne Flemming, 07484 612828,
Lydford & District Gardening Club (Website – L&D Gardening Club)
The Lydford & District Gardening Club meets the second Tuesday of each month in Lydford Parish Hall at 7.15 pm. The annual programme includes a variety of speakers, visits and demonstrations. The club is a member of The Gardens Group Gold Club who offer excellent discounts and seeds are also available at discounted prices. The annual membership subscription is £20.00. (£2.00 per meeting for non-members.) There is a raffle, seed and plant swap and refreshments are free. You can download a copy of the 2024 speakers and dates below:
Lydford Third Tuesday Group
We are a women’s group who usually meet at 7:30 on the third Tuesday of each month in the Parish Hall, West Lydford. We have a varied programme each year includes outside speakers, talks and demonstrations by members, outings to local places of interest and social events. And there is always time for a coffee and a chat with friends.
We welcome women visitors from Lydford and surrounding areas to all our events, also men and children to those that we think may appeal.
For details of this year’s programme, or further information about our club, please visit our website:
or contact:
Wheathill Golf Club is a public 18-hole golf course with Academy course and driving range. The fully licensed Clubhouse welcomes both golfers and non-golfers alike. Wheathill GC can be found just off the B3153 between Lydford and Lovington.
Contact: Tel: 01963 240667; Web:
Top quality still-water fishing for Match and Carp can be enjoyed at the Viaduct Fishery, Somerton, 01458 274022. New to the area is Covey Fisheries, East Lydford, 07863 360647 for Match and pleasure fishing, plus Carp Lake.
The River Brue runs through the village and is popular for coarse fishing. A rod license is required and is available from any post office (a one day, eight day or annual). Also, an Angling License for Glaston Manor is required and can be obtained from the Street Angling Centre, 160 High St, Street, 01458 447830.
23 bridle and registered footpaths offer a variety of walks within the parish. Most of these connect with footpaths in neighbouring parishes. All are well sign-posted and have stiles where needed. There is a map of the parish footpaths on display in the church car park.
Also see: – Footpaths in Somerset and
Swimming and Gymnasium
There are both indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a Leisure Centre in Street as well as indoor pools and Leisure Centres in Wells and Yeovil. The indoor pool in Street has a gymnasium and sauna. Prepaid or season tickets are necessary for early morning (8.00am) sessions. The Wincanton Sports Centre also has a wide range of facilities.
Cubs, Beavers, Brownies and Scouts
Rainbows (5 – 7 years) meet in Keinton Mandeville Village Hall 5.15 – 6.15 pm on Tuesdays and Brownies (7-10 years) also on Tuesdays from 6.15 – 7.45pm.
Contact: Lisa Eastmead-Hoare, 01458 223132
Barton St. David Scout Group
Boys and girls are welcome. Beavers meet Mondays 6.15 – 7.15 pm: Cubs meet Tuesdays 6.00 – 7.30pm: Scouts (11 – 14 years) meet Tuesdays from 7.30 – 9.00pm.
Contact: James Gordon, 01458 223934 or check the website at:-
Charlton Sea Scouts
(10 years upwards) meet in Keinton Mandeville Village Hall on Mondays (Scouts and Ventures).
Contact: Chris Harrow, 07921 490221
Drama Group
The Drama Group is currently not meeting