Most parents in the parish choose to send their children to one of the neighbouring village schools. Within a four mile radius of Lydford these are:
Lovington CEVC Primary School: 01963 240305
Keinton Mandeville County Primary School: 01458 223452
Baltonsborough VC Primary School: 01458 850526
Barton St David Pre-School:
For secondary school children there is Ansford Academy, Castle Cary: 01963 350895. A school bus picks up at various points in the village.
Within a fifteen mile radius of Lydford there are numerous independent schools which cater for age groups ranging from pre-school to sixth form studies.
Churches and Sunday Schools
The Anglican church of St. Peter’s, West Lydford is the Parish Church for Lydford on Fosse and maintains an active programme of services and events. The timetable of services is displayed in the church noticeboard outside the church, as well as being promulgated in the monthly parish magazine which is distributed free to all houses in the parish. We belong to the Wheathill Priory Group Benefice of Parishes comprising Keinton Mandeville with Kingweston, Barton St David and Lydford on Fosse (formerly East Lydford, West Lydford and Wheathill). The East Lydford church, St Mary’s was declared redundant by the Diocese Redundant Churches Committee in 1987 and is now privately owned, and St Peter’s, West Lydford serves the whole Lydford community.
The Revd. Jane Durham is Priest In Charge of the Wheathill Priory Benefice and lives at the Rectory in Keinton Mandeville. She can be contacted on 01458 223417 or by email Lydford on Fosse Parochial Church Council meets periodically in the Parish Hall. The Churchwardens are Ralph Berry, 01963 240164, and Mrs Jennie Cooper, 01963 240236.
The Methodist Church, Queen Street, Keinton Mandeville has a weekly Sunday Morning Service. Time promulgated in the Parish Magazine. The Minister is The Reverend Craig Manley, 01963 351598. The church provides an active Youth Zone which meets in the church at this time. Children from 3 years old are welcome. Contact Mrs Alison Sutton, 01458 223656.
The nearest Roman Catholic church to Lydford is St Dunstan’s in Langport Road, Somerton. Details of services can be obtained from Father Ofia, 01458 274008.
Lydford on Fosse Parish Hall
This is close to St Peter’s Church in West Lydford and is run on behalf of the village by a management committee.
This became a registered charity in Sep 2003 to enable fund-raising for its refurbishment and modernisation which cost in the region of £140,000. The hall was completed in October 2006. The Hall has a large meeting/function room, seating capacity 50-70, a stage, disabled access and toilet facilities, PA and Hearing Loop, Computer Projector, free WiFi, and a modern fully equipped kitchen with comprehensive cooking arrangements. The Hall is available for hire and is a focal point for many village activities. Members of the village are also encouraged to use this facility for private functions of their own. Contact Booking Secretary:
Mrs Anne Fleming (01963 240435) or Bookings throughout the year can be viewed at:- The Parish Hall has a website can be found at:-
Bell Ringing
St Peter’s Church West Lydford has a bell tower with a peal of six bells (re-hung in 2000). The Captain of the Bellringers welcomes new members to the team. No previous experience is required. Contact Ralph Berry, 01963 240164.
Licensed Premises
The Cross Keys Inn is next door to the main cross roads of the village by the traffic lights. The Inn provides food and accommodation, and a level caravan site. Tel: 01963 240473 or visit their website at:-
Garage Stores
There is a Shell fuel garage and Budgens shop on the A37 near the traffic lights.
Refuse Collection
- Dry recycling is collected every week.
- Food waste is collected every week in brown kerbside caddies.
- General waste is collected every three weeks.
- Garden waste are collected every two weeks if you are a subscribed user.
- Garden waste is collected less often during the winter.
Following a Bank Holiday all collections are one day after the usual collection day. Relevant bins should be placed on the roadside by 7.00am on collection day. There is a comprehensive pamphlet produced by Mendip defining procedures for recycling waste which has been issued to all households. If you need a copy ring Mendip Customer Services on 01749 648999 or visit the Somerset Waste Partnership website which contains a range of helpful information about waste and recycling.
The Somerset County Mobile Library visits the Lydfords every four weeks (Route K) on Thursdays as follows: East Lydford, Church Lane outside Blossomfield, TA11 7HD – 13.35 to 13.55; West Lydford, High Street outside Old School, TA11 7DB – 14.00 to 14.30. A list of all the Mobile Library routes for 2023 can be found here. Details of the next visit can be obtained on 0300 1232224 or Note, there are no fees for overdue books with the mobile library service. There are full library services in Yeovil, Street, Glastonbury, Shepton Mallet and smaller libraries at Castle Cary and Somerton.
Medical Services
Health Centres with GP group practices are situated in Castle Cary, Queen Camel, Glastonbury, Street and Somerton. The Castle Cary practice has a branch surgery in Keinton Mandeville Village Hall Mondays to Fridays 11.00-11.30am with no appointment necessary. By Law, all practices must produce a Practice leaflet giving details of the Practice and the services they offer. The local library will also have copies of the information in the Family Health Service Authority Register. The nearest 24 hour A&E facilities are at Yeovil Hospital. There are two Minor Injuries Units in the area, open every day of the year, at Shepton Mallet Hospital Tel: 01749 342931 and West Mendip Hospital, Old Wells Road, Glastonbury Tel: 01458 836450.
The NHS 111 service has now replaced the previous NHS Direct, see the web page:-
Dental Emergencies: Somerset Dental Services, 0845 7697691
Public Transport
Castle Cary station offers a mainline First Great Western rail service to London Paddington and Penzance. Connections through Taunton and Bristol offer services to Wales, the Midlands and the North. South West Trains from Templecombe offer a cheaper and more frequent connection to London or Exeter. National Rail Enquiries: 03457 484950
There are bus services from the the stops near the Cross Keys Inn which connect with Services to Street, Castle Cary and Wincanton. There are timetables at both stops. Traveline bus timetable enquiries: 0871 200 2233.
Berrys Coaches run a daily coach service from Taunton to and from London with pick-up points at Yeovil, Ilchester, RN Air Station Yeovilton and Wincanton. Details: 01823 331356. There is free overnight parking at Wincanton.
Lydford comes under Shepton Mallet Police Station, but the front desk is no longer manned. The nearest manned desks are at Yeovil and Wells. To report crimes that have already occurred, suspicious incidents and activities, and for all police queries and other non-urgent matters call 101. If you have any information about a crime or possible crime, but wish to remain anonymous, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 (free from landlines). In a real emergency do not hesitate to dial 999. There is a great deal of crime prevention information and other advice on and you can also report non-urgent details about crime and incidents, as well as reporting lost property, through this site. Our local Police Beat contact is PCSO Guy Dury.
Environment Agency
The Emergency Hotline for environment-related incidents, particularly in connection with flooding and the River Brue is 0800 80 70 60 which is manned 24 hours a day.
General Enquiry Line: 08708 506 506 or
The Walters and Pope Trust
The Walters and Pope Trust, dating from 1716, is established to provide a small amount of financial aid to those residents of the parish of Lydford on Fosse who are temporarily in need. Further particulars may be obtained in confidence from the Trustees: Caroline Seehra, 01963 240275, Lynne Mitchell, 01963 240159, or Ann Parkhouse, 01963 240268